maandag 25 maart 2013

Cold weekend

What a cold weekend!
If i remember correctly we were sitting outside last year with a mojito! This year the woodfire is on to make us warm cause this icy wind makes you feel so cold.
We enjoyed our weekend anyway, friday bf & i went on a little roadtrip in Zeeland. We visited some thriftstores but found nothing special, luckily there was some other shopping in Sluis too, and yummy pancakes! Oh and we spotted these storks, next to the tree where our car was parked. They were busy making a nest... beautiful!

Saturday we raised our glasses to my friend Iris' birthday and went for a tasty dinner.

And sunday was, once again, all about being lazy :) Although i like those cosy days inside, i do think we've had enough by now. I can't wait to spent more time outside, but it doens't seem to be for anytime soon..

Fingers crossed for some spring feeling soon...


vrijdag 15 maart 2013

Pieces of chicken

The first series of the patchwork course i'm following is almost finished and the last piece we're working on is a chicken! This was the thing i was most looking forward to to make!
The potholders were a bit old-fashioned and the second thing is some sort of  patch that can be part of a blanket or a pillowcase but not really finished like it is now..
But this chicken will be something to be proud of :)
I didn't choose the fabrics myself, the teachers gave us a bundle. But i'm planning on making a second chicken with fabrics i prefer. They could be worse although bf says they're outdated..
My friend & me are having sewing sessions in between cause we can't keep up with the older ladies!!
I will miss these creative afternoons once the course ends but everyone is positive about a sequel and if not we can always start a monthly patchwork group or something...


maandag 4 maart 2013

Happy mail

 As many of you, i've been hit by the flu too. After a few weeks of being really tired the whole day, no matter how many hours in bed, this is the first day i believe i'm feeling more wide-awake! It might have something to do with a sunny morning too.. This is my favourite time of the year i think, birds are singing, first warmth of the sun, new freckles, first drinks on our terrace...oh and not to forget all the plants that are sprouting!!

Some time ago this beautiful mail arrived in my mailbox, coming from dear Claudia! She makes the most wonderful stamps (and not only that, she's a great knitter too!!), look at those insects & birds!
Always a little party to receive, thank you!!

This orange parcel went to Barbara, you can read more about it here!
And these cute nostalgic keychains i've ordered at Merula's shop! They remember me so much of my childhood :)

I've been home alone the last couple of days, bf is on a snowboardtrip with the guys! He's coming home tomorrow! Yay!!

Have a good & healthy week!

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