Who needs christmasgifts in december if you can get one in the middle of summer?
It's something Mina & i agree on, it's christmas all year long! Haha :)
So last week i felt a bit in a christmasmood when i received her parcel from the mailman!
A beautiful box with an owl pattern filled with yummy chocolate, the little ones i don't dare to eat yet, they're so beautiful in their lovely papers...
Mina also made me some lavender sachets in her enveloppe design! I really like those, and they smell so good, a bit of the Provence in my closet!
And then there was also the gorgeous scarf boyfriend gave me for my birthday! It's made by Mina, and i absolutely love it! The fabric, the print, the way it's made... a bit of Mina with me everywhere i go :-)
Check out her shop for more nice handmade beauties!
And ofcourse there was a letter, a long letter! I enjoyed reading it with a good cup of tea. And now i better get my christmas parcel ready...